The temperatures are getting colder and it’s not just our cold feet that are feeling the effects, as they are now increasingly wrapped in thick wool socks. No, it’s our skin that needs a lot of care and attention, especially now in winter. This is something I realise when I get on my bike instead of in the car despite the freezing temperatures. While I bravely cycle through the bitter cold, it’s not doing my skin any good. An unpleasant feeling of tightness is usually the result. Fortunately, you can do something about this and there are a few helpful tips and tricks to make your skin velvety soft again.

Everyday tips against dry skin

  1. To combat dry skin on the body: In winter, the skin needs moisture first and foremost. The lower the thermometer drops, the less humid the air outside is. Not to mention the dry heated air in buildings. First of all, always apply cream after showering. And the whole body. In contrast to our face, we neglect this far too often. Body lotions with a high-fat content are particularly good in winter. The skin on the body, in particular, can tolerate a lot more than the skin on the face. So don’t be shy and start applying fat!
  2. For dry skin on the face: The face should be treated a little more carefully. In winter, it is best to use the gentlest possible cleansing lotions and avoid products containing alcohol to protect the skin. Here, too, applying cream is the most important thing. Creams with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are particularly nourishing for the face.
  3. Against dry hands: There is almost nothing more unpleasant than dry and chapped hands, but there are a few tricks here too. When rinsing, for example, simply wear a pair of breathable rubber gloves to prevent the upper layer of skin from becoming too irritated. PH-neutral washing lotions and soaps prevent redness and cracked skin. And, of course, applying cream is part of your skincare routine. I think chamomile products are great; they not only smell good but also provide particularly gentle care.

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to, where her work spans a variety...