Today we am sharing an amazing weight loss drink, by which there will be a superb effect in your weight loss. Specially in inch loss and belly fat. Which is a major problem of many people.
Lose belly fat with this Drink
They try everything, weight goes away but belly fat doesn’t go inch loss doesn’t happen. But this drink will give you superb inch loss and incorporate this into your diet.
Benefits of Ginger turmeric drink
If you only take this drink you can easily loose 8 kg in a month and you will get incredible inch loss with this. So, today we will talk about turmeric tea. It has many benefits:
★ This gives you are superb weight loss and inch loss.
★ It is very amazing in PCOD and PCOS cases.
★ has very good medicinal properties if your throat is bad, or get throat infection fast, or if you have sinus or tonsils.
★ It is very good for that if you have cold, it is also very good for that if you have the problem of arthritis, cholesterol or acne it balances your hormones .
Use Ginger turmeric drink 450 days
But use this in moderation use this for 15 days, then stop it for 15 days and then for 15 days of next month. You can incorporate this into your diet.
Recipe to make Turmeric Tea.
★ Took a pan, there is a litre of water and take Turmeric root this is easily available in the market, with the vegetable vendor, if you can’t get this, you can use normal Turmeric powder.
★ Now grated it and put one spoon of it in water one spoon grated ginger we will add this in water.
★ The you took 1/4 tea spoon black pepper powder.
★ mix it well, that’s simple then switch on gas put a lid and let it boil once it has boiled, we will remove the lid and then turn of the gas.
★ Stain the drink as it is hot one glass in the morning on empty stomach and now Turmeric Tea ready.
It’s simple right do incorporate this into your diet, then see it’s magic. It will give you superb weight loss, will also give amazing inch loss.