Does fat make you fat? Which fatty acids are healthy? And how much fat is allowed per day? Nutritionist Esther Haller talks about recommended amounts, diet trends and the reason why fat, athletic people live healthier than thin, unathletic people.

Which oils do you recommend?

Ideally, a good half of the oil used should be rapeseed oil: it is rich in healthy, polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 fatty acids. Walnut, linseed and pumpkin seed oil also contain omega-3 fatty acids. However, none of these oils should be heated to high temperatures. The heat-stable Holl rapeseed oil or Holl sunflower oil are suitable for cooking and frying. Unsalted nuts, seeds and kernels also contain healthy fats, which is why I recommend two to three tablespoons of them per day.

And what about animal fats? 

You should limit cream and butter to around one tablespoon per day. And avoid ready-made products and fried foods. They contain unhealthy trans fatty acids. By the way: All quantities given apply to a normal energy expenditure, but not to people who want to lose weight or people with increased energy requirements, such as athletes. If you exceed the target once, it’s not a big deal. The important thing is to basically implement the recommendations throughout the year.

How do I store oils so that they don’t go bad?

Always buy oil in as small quantities as possible and store it in a cool, dark place. Linseed oil even belongs in the fridge. Even if it’s practical, don’t put the oils next to the stove or oven. It can get too hot there and the oils will quickly go rancid.

Current nutritional trends tell us that lots of fat is healthy, while carbohydrates are unhealthy. Is that true?

Nutrition is very individual. What is ideal for a person depends on their activity, personal preferences, and lifestyle. For example, carbohydrates are very important for athletes. When losing weight, on the other hand, it can help to reduce carbohydrates and slightly increase fats. Another person is better advised to eat less fat and focus on whole carbohydrates. But what studies repeatedly confirm is that in the long term, Mediterranean cuisine is ideal. It includes fresh products, lots of meat and fish, healthy vegetable oils and lots of vegetables and fruit.  

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