Garlic eating Habit: Some mistakes are made while eating garlic, which reduce its benefits. The list of benefits of eating garlic is very big. It boosts our immunity and also takes care of heart health and also helps in fighting infection.

Garlic is super food

Garlic, which is also called a good ‘super food’, not only enhances the taste but it also has many other properties which are beneficial for our health. Some common mistakes are made while eating garlic, due to which its benefits are less and its disadvantages are more. So let’s know what is the right way to eat garlic.

Garlic should be chewed and eaten

Chewing garlic releases active compounds in it, which are beneficial for our health. Chewing one or two garlic cloves raw in the morning on an empty stomach helps in increasing immunity. Only one or two cloves of garlic should be eaten every day. Garlic cloves should not be eaten in large quantities.

Benefits of eating garlic

Take two cloves of garlic every morning, cut them into small pieces and keep them for 5 to 10 minutes so that allicin is released in it. Garlic, which is the main source of medicine, can be activated. Adding garlic in raw form to salad, soup or dressing increases its taste and benefits manifold.

Health benefits of garlic

Garlic protects the body from bacteria and viruses. Garlic reduces bad cholesterol and controls blood pressure. It slows down the process of aging by reducing free radicals in the body. Garlic removes toxins from living cells from the body.

What precautions should be taken while eating garlic?

If you have any kind of allergy in your body, you should consult a doctor before consuming garlic. If you use garlic without advice, it can harm your body instead of benefiting it.


* Garlic should always be chewed before eating, this activates the allicin present in garlic, which provides more benefits to the body.

* Heating garlic too much while cooking destroys its nutritional elements.

* If garlic is cut and left for a long time, it loses its effect.

* Eating garlic in large quantities can cause many problems in the body.
* It is more beneficial if garlic is taken on empty stomach in the morning.

If garlic is consumed without making some common mistakes while eating it, then it gives a lot of benefits to your body and excessive consumption of it can also harm you, so garlic should be consumed in regular quantity.