The skin is the largest human organ. It protects us from heat and cold. It communicates without words. It is called the “mirror of the soul.” But not all skin is the same. Every part of the body requires individual care. This is what you should know about skincare.
Skin care in summer
In summer, our skin needs particularly intensive care, otherwise the sun’s rays can have serious consequences. In order to protect yourself properly from the sun, it is important to first know your own skin type and to respond to the needs of your skin.
Skin type I – Celtic type
Typical characteristics of the Celtic skin type are very light skin, blonde or reddish hair, blue, green or grayish eyes, as well as freckles and light nipples. People with Celtic skin type hardly ever tan, but they quickly get sunburned. In summer, an extra high sun protection factor (50+) is a must to protect the skin from damage.
Skin type II – Nordic type
Typical characteristics of the Nordic skin type are light skin, blonde to brown hair, mostly blue, green or grey eyes, sometimes freckles, and light to moderately pigmented nipples. People with Nordic skin type get sunburned quickly and tan very slowly. Here too, an extra high sun protection factor (50+) is a must in summer.
Skin type III – mixed type
Typical characteristics of the “mixed type” skin type are medium skin color, dark blonde to dark brown hair, and light to medium brown nipples. Eye color can vary, freckles are rare. The skin becomes browner in summer, and sunburn is rare. But the same applies to people of the mixed type in summer: They should also protect their skin from sunlight and use cream with a sun protection factor (20-25).
Skin type IV – Mediterranean type
Typical characteristics of the Mediterranean skin type are olive or brownish skin, dark hair, brown eyes, no freckles and dark nipples. The skin tans quickly and people of the Mediterranean type rarely get sunburned. Skin care recommendation in summer: use a medium sun protection factor (15-20)!
Skin care in winter
If it’s cold and uncomfortable outside, that also means that our skin needs extra care. Cracks, tightness, itching – all of these symptoms can occur if you don’t provide your skin with the right skin care during the cold season. needs. Cracks, tightness, itching – all of these symptoms can occur if you do not provide your skin with the right skin care during the cold season.
It is particularly important to ensure adequate moisture in winter, as the change between warm heating air and cold air outside is particularly hard on the skin. In order to choose the right skin care products, it is crucial that you know your skin type. Every skin type has different characteristics and therefore needs to be cared for differently.