Diarrhea reduces the strength of the body. If diarrhea continues, then the weakness also increases a lot. Sometimes, if diarrhea is excessive, then the life of the person can also be in danger, so treatment should be done immediately in case of diarrhea.
Reducing stomach pain
Lemon water is an anti-inflammatory in case of diarrhea, which helps in reducing stomach pain during loose motion. Lemon water removes the weakness caused by diarrhea in the body. It also keeps the health good and reduces stomach cramps. Today we will tell you about some home remedies for relief in diarrhea.
Consume coconut water
Coconut water is a natural electrolyte that fulfills the water deficiency in the body during diarrhea. If you are having loose motion, then you should immediately consume coconut water, this will prevent water deficiency in your body.
Drink lemon water immediately
If there is pain and swelling in the stomach during loose motion, we should immediately drink lemon water. Lemon water removes the deficiency caused by diarrhea in the body and lemon water also keeps the health good. Cramps in the stomach also reduce.
Use lemon tea
If you have loose motion, you should drink lemon tea. For this, take some water, add tea leaves in it and boil it and then squeeze half a lemon in it and drink it. Loose motion will stop immediately.
Eat curd and banana
Eating banana and curd gives a lot of relief in diarrhea. Take a banana and a bowl of curd, crush the banana in it and then eat it. It gives relief in loose motion and also prevents frequent cramps.
Salt and sugar solution
If loose motions occur, then salt and sugar solution should be consumed. For this, mix one spoon of salt and one spoon of sugar in a glass of water and drink it to prevent dehydration. Drink at least 5 to 6 glasses of it throughout the day.
* Loose motions cause dehydration in the body. For this, use coconut water frequently.
* Drinking lemon tea also relieves stomach pain and cramps.
* Take as much sugar and salt solution as possible. This will prevent dehydration in the body.
* Eating curd and banana provides quick relief from loose motions.
* If you feel like drinking tea during loose motions, then drink tea without milk.
The suggestions given by us are for general information purposes only. They are not given as advice of any doctor. If you have any question or problem, then consult a doctor for that.