Losing weight through a vegetarian diet: This can work very well. Oviva shows you how to eat a balanced diet without meat, avoid nutrient deficiencies, and enjoy your food.

Lose weight vegetarian with these six tips.

Whether you want to lose 5 kg, 20 kg, or more – a vegetarian diet is a sensible way to go. And it’s also climate-friendly! With these six tips (and as much exercise as possible, you’re sure not to get off to a bad start:

1. Vegetables and whole grains should form the basis of your diet. The more colorful, the better: dark green leafy vegetables, red tomatoes and peppers, orange carrots and sweet potatoes, purple eggplant, red cabbage, and beetroot – use the whole variety of vegetables, and don’t forget onions, leeks, and garlic! I prefer whole grain varieties for bread, flour, rice, and other grain products. White flour products and sugar should only be eaten sparingly.

2. Ensure your protein needs are met with pulses, nuts, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, and eggs. Fermented soy products such as tofu or tempeh and meat substitutes such as seitan can also play a role in the diet. Ensure you have a good amino acid balance and combine plant-based protein sources.

3. Use good vegetable oils as fat suppliers: Rapeseed oil and olive oil are particularly recommended. You don’t have to banish butter and cream from your diet completely – but they should only play a small role.

4. Your drinks of choice should be water and herbal tea. Only drink sugary lemonades as an exception. Juices and smoothies also contain a lot of sugar – even if none has been added, they are still fructose bombs: with a glass of orange juice, for example, you are consuming the sugar of four oranges. Fruit is, therefore, better eaten whole for dessert or as a snack.

5. Plan balanced vegetarian meals (for example, according to the plate rule ) and cook for yourself if possible. In the supermarket, stick to fresh and minimally processed foods, such as simple canned and frozen foods. If you like to snack, you can also have a bar of dark chocolate. Other sweets should remain exceptions.

6. Get support! Vegetarians can also use Oviva’s weight loss program. As your digital companion in everyday life, the Oviva app ensures you never run out of motivation. Document your diet, physical activity and other relevant data, use reminder functions, learning content and clear graphic representations of your progress – and keep in touch with your nutritionist via chat.

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to Timesbull.com, where her work spans a variety...