It’s usually not bad, but it’s annoying: calluses on the feet. When it’s warm outside, we want to show off our feet in open shoes. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to remove calluses.

  • Most people have calluses on their feet; they protect the skin.
  • However, many people find the thick skin in sandals annoying.
  • We show you which care rituals you can use to remove calluses effectively.

Calluses often form on the feet when the skin is particularly stressed—for example, after long periods of walking and standing or when new shoes are too tight. They are usually useful because the skin protects itself from pressure and friction by producing more new cells. But calluses can also be painful and unsightly.

Remove calluses: These methods are available

A number of products from pharmacies or drugstores promise to help remove calluses. Solutions and plasters with high doses of salicylic acid have been proven to be effective.

In fact, you usually don’t need any special products – unless the skin has cracked or fissured. You can simply try a thorough foot care routine first.

Here’s how to proceed:

  • A foot bath softens the calluses. The thick skin can then be removed in the traditional way with a pumice stone or a gentle peeling.
  • There are also callus removers on the market that have an electrically operated roller that works like a kind of ‘sander for the feet’.
  • Care must be taken when using callus planes because the sharp blades can potentially injure deeper layers of skin.
  • Finally, you should care for your feet with a moisturizing cream . It is best to use certified natural cosmetics.

Caution: You should never file, shave or pumice the calluses on your feet completely , because the thicker layer of skin still serves the purpose of protecting the feet. If you remove too much of it, you can expect pain, inflammation or blisters on your feet .

Foot care against calluses: recipe tips

The following home remedies are good for preparing the skin:

1. Foot bath to remove calluses (not more than once or twice a week):

  • Pour about 100 millilitres of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar into a bowl and then add lukewarm water up to ankle height.
  • Make sure the water temperature is comfortable and bathe your feet in the mixture for about ten minutes – if you bathe for longer, the skin will swell too much and dry out as a result.

2. Chamomile pack for the feet

  • Wrap a tablespoon of chamomile flowers in a piece of cotton or linen fabric.
  • Pour three tablespoons of boiling water onto the packet, let it cool briefly and then press it onto the area with the callus.
  • Repeat this several times a day for 15 minutes each time. After a few days, the calluses will be easier to remove with a pumice stone.

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to, where her work spans a variety...