As we all know smoking is harmful to health. It has major bad effects on health as it causes cancer, stroke, lung diseases, erectile dysfunction, birth defects, and other health problems, and apart from that it can even lead to the death of a person.

But do you know why smoking gives pleasure to people the substance present in it nicotine gives a relaxing pleasure to the mind of a person which makes smoking difficult for them to quit.

Smoking not only harms the body of a person but also spoils his mental health and social relationships because the smoke of smoking is harmful to everyone due to which people do not like to come near them.

Many ways help you to quit or stop smoking.

1) Try nicotine replacement products

We know that it is not easy to give up smoking or other nicotine products but after consulting a doctor, we can take nicotine replacement products or medication which can help us quit.

2) Avoid nicotine cravings

People used to smoke to a certain limit. Now after quitting smoking, the craving increases but after some time the craving ends and the person is not addicted to smoking for a long time.

But when that person sees someone else smoking, his craving starts again but someone can control his craving and goes to some non-smoking area, and the smoking craving goes away after some time. Every human craving is controlled by the human mind.

3) Stress Management

Stress is one of the main reasons for smoking. People who are often under stress they smoke to relieve their stress. It is very important that we first know the root cause of stress and focus on how we can manage stress.

Yoga, meditation, music therapy, and laughing therapy, all help in controlling stress, and even nature also reduces our stress level. Try to do some physical activity that helps you distract yourself from an urge to smoke and relieve your stress level.

4) Incorporate fruits and vegetables

Also, incorporate healthy food into our diet. Every fruit, vegetable, grain, and other cereals contains some nutrients which are essential for our body. Not only this, it gives a signal of alertness to our mind due to which we do not feel hungry and it reduces the craving for smoking.


Smoking weakens the human immune system and increases the chances of getting infections. Many times smoking causes cataracts and macular degeneration in the eyes which leads to loss of vision.

Most probably In foreign countries, women who smoke during pregnancy period face problems in their pregnancy. Many governments are trying to prevent people from smoking with anti-social campaigns or sending people to rehabilitation centers and through mass media telling people about what will be the consequences and long-term effects of smoking.