The data is frustratingly clear: sugar – even in small amounts – is unhealthy. So how much sugar can you have per day? And do other types of sugar and sweeteners make sense?

Too much-added sugar has dramatic effects.

“It’s straightforward: the less sugar you consume, the better,” nutritional doctor and head of the Institute for Translational Medicine at ETH Zurich. In fact, there is a lot of scientific evidence that people who eat less sugar and quickly digestible carbohydrates are less likely to struggle with obesity and high cholesterol. The number of associated secondary diseases such as diabetes and coronary heart disease is also significantly lower.

for example. After sugary foods were taxed there, consumption fell drastically. The average weight of adolescents and young adults, in particular, has fallen significantly. What is particularly surprising is that while the connection between sugar and obesity is clearly proven scientifically, high-fat foods lead to nutrition does not necessarily lead to more weight on the hips. Fat consumption in the USA and Europe has fallen sharply over the past 50 years, but the number of overweight people has exploded. After all, 100 grams of sugar already contains 387 kcal.

Lactose, fructose, carbohydrates

Eliminating sugar completely from the diet is practically impossible and also makes no sense. Our bodies need sugar as a source of energy. But the dose makes the poison. In addition to added sugar, many foods also contain natural sugar and are therefore not sugar-free. Fruits, for example, contain a lot of fructose – the more colorful they are, the more fructose. Milk and dairy products provideLactose, lactose. In addition, carbohydrates are also converted into sugar in the body.

Are sweeteners like aspartame a healthy alternative to sugar?

Even calorie-free sweeteners such as aspartame are not harmless. The data on the long-term effects is mixed, but the authors of the US Framingham Heart Study found that, for example, the consumption of sweetened drinks increases the risk of suffering a stroke or developing dementia. The scientists suspect that sweeteners influence taste preferences and appetite and thus promote the consumption of sugary foods in the long term.

How many grams of sugar per day are safe?

Sugar is, however, much more than a health dilemma. It is the Christmas biscuit that reminds you of your childhood or the comforting milk chocolate after an argument. “It is almost impossible to completely avoid sugar. But it is important to be aware of how much you consume,” says Ruth Ellenberger, a qualified nutritionist and managing director of the Zurich Nutrition Center. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a maximum of 50 grams of added sugar per day. This is already achieved with half a liter of Coca-Cola. With a few tricks and a little discipline, you can still sweeten your everyday life without having to worry about your health.