Rosehip powder is made from the skin of the rosehip. Rosehips are the fruits that grow on wild rose bushes, hedges, forest edges, and in gardens. The bright red berries, which are up to two centimeters in size, taste tart to sour and are traditionally made into juice, puree, jam, or chutney. Inside the rosehip are small seeds that are not suitable for consumption and whose hairs cause itching.

Rose hips are particularly good for their high vitamin C content . With 1,250 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams, they are way ahead of lemons (53 milligrams per 100 grams), which are considered the top dog when it comes to vitamin C. But that’s not all: rose hips also have minerals, provitamin A, vitamins E and K , fruit acids, as well as fiber and tannins.

To make rosehip powder, the berries are halved, hollowed out, the fine hairs and candles are carefully scraped out, dried and finally ground into powder. You can find step-by-step instructions below.

Thanks to its high, very concentrated vitamin C content, rose hips strengthen the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. For this reason, products made from the berry were used to treat rheumatic complaints as early as the Middle Ages. Today we know that rose hips also have a broader range of effects than synthetic painkillers. This is due in part to the unsaturated fatty acids they contain, the content of which is particularly high in powder form. Rose hip powder is easy to make and, in some countries, is also available in the form of a dietary supplement.

Make your own rosehip powder.

Rosehip powder is a valuable source of nutrients that can easily be integrated into your diet. If you want to make rosehip powder, you should look for bushes and harvest the berries by the end of October at the latest. Then carefully cut off the ends of the fruit and halve the rosehips lengthways. Spread the halves on baking paper and leave them to dry for three to four days. Then put the baking paper with the berries on a baking tray and leave it in the oven at 50 degrees for five to six hours.

Make sure to leave the oven door slightly open. Using a high-performance blender to process the dried rose hips into a fine powder is best. Alternatively, you can also use a mortar. Finally, fill the powder into clean, airtight jars and store them.