If you’re saying to yourself, “I’ve finally had enough of diets; I want to finally achieve lasting results!” then a more comprehensive change in diet might be right for you. The goal is to eat healthier but also to understand and improve your personal habits. You can find out more in this article. And if you want support with the change in diet, Oviva’s app-supported programs could be just the thing.

The most important things in brief

  • A change in diet is not a diet: While a diet is about a temporary adjustment of the diet, a change in diet is about the long-term improvement of habits.
  • Losing weight without starving is possible if you take your time and learn more about your body and a healthy diet.

What is a change in diet?

A change in diet means that you not only eat differently over a certain period of time, but also “go to the meta level” and deal with your existing eating and exercise habits . Because only those who improve the habits that ultimately led to excess weight can achieve long-term weight loss . Those who only go on a temporary diet run the risk of the kilos returning afterwards due to the yo-yo effect.

Among other things, it is about implementing the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding healthy eating and thus striving for a balanced diet. This includes, for example:

  • Plenty of vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts and whole grains
  • If fats, then unsaturated – for example from vegetable oils, nuts or fish
  • Generally less than 30% fats in total calories
  • Less than 10% sugar in total calories
  • Maximum 5 grams of salt per day

Of course, there may be other reasons for changing your diet. For example, because you have developed food intolerances or allergies. Or because you have problems with digestion. Or because you want to strengthen your immune system and defenses. Even the decision to go vegetarian or vegan and switch to it would be a reason. However, most people decide to change their diet in order to eat healthier and thereby actively lose weight and reduce health risks .

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to Timesbull.com, where her work spans a variety...