Life saving tips: We need to be fit. The most marvelous thing about the humans is that we are all different from each other in so many ways at physical level, mental level, emotional level, and at spiritual level, so important to find out about ourselves how to stay fit and healthy.

How to avoid miseries in your life

Good health is one of the priorities of our life. Because it is our swadharma. If we are fit and healthy we don’t face the miseries of sickness and pain.

Don’t do these things in your life

We don’t avoid any small pain in our body. The important point is that we should live in present. So that you can avoid every suffering that make you unfit.

Be mindful

Now you have a question how we live like this? You have so many choices everyday, about how you should live. While doing so you should be mindful about your age and your limitation and your behaviour with others.

7 tips to add in your daily life and make your life happy

We will give you 7 tips. we would like to highlight 7 ways that you may choose to stay fit and healthy .

Add fruits to your routine

* If you are a healthy person then once in in a month you should give rest to your digestive system and eat fruits only whole day.
* It improve your metabolism.
* According to the season you have fruits to eat and fruits are easily digestible.

Water is most important element

* Water is must because you are body also is made up of water. Our body contains 60% of water.
* Experts always advise you to drink sufficient water everyday.
* You will drink twice in a day warm water with pinch of salt and lemon.

How to be fit and healthy

* To be fit and healthy we have to be active.
* Once a day practice yogasans. Which stress is your spine in 6 different ways.


* Sit or stand with your shoulder relaxed and then inhale for three counts and Exhale for three counts.
* Practice for counts of breathing rhythm.
* This kind of breathing is called equal breathing.
* The practice can give you calmness in every situation.

Make new changes in your daily life to be healthy and fit

* Try new things like tree planting, new recipe. Give 10 minutes to yourself also.
* After this you will find more creative ways to express yourself.