From the world of health and wellness to social media, you may have noticed that Matcha has become a new “trend” of sorts. High in antioxidants, Matcha has become a strong competitor to coffee thanks to its numerous benefits and caffeine content. Live to Bloom editor Aleyna Tepe decides to make a change in her daily routine and consume Matcha instead of coffee. She shares with you why and how she prefers this Japanese tradition, which dates back to 1190, to coffee today, as inspiration.

What are the benefits of Matcha?

Of course, the caffeine issue is not the only reason for my interest and curiosity in Matcha. Matcha has so many benefits that when you do a little research, you can easily be convinced to add Matcha to your daily routine.

It strengthens immunity.

Matcha powder is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, F and P. All these ingredients, in addition to its high levels of amino acids, potassium, iron, calcium and fiber, make Matcha an immune-boosting beverage. The catechin is called EGCG it protects the body against various bacterial and viral infections by binding to cells in the body.

It is a high antioxidant store.

Matcha has the highest antioxidant content of all superfoods. According to the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) test, which measures antioxidant levels in foods, it contains 1,384 units of antioxidants per gram. That’s 13 times the amount of antioxidants found in pomegranates, 15 times the amount in blueberries, and 125 times the amount found in spinach.

It accelerates metabolism and provides weight control.

The components in matcha called catechins help speed up metabolism. These catechins use fat as an energy source. This helps the body burn more calories. In this way, you can more easily provide the calorie deficit needed to lose weight.

Protects skin health.

Vitamin B2 and herbal content called EGCG found in matcha help balance skin tone, increase skin elasticity and maintain moisture levels for a more vibrant complexion. Catechins found in green tea leaves capture and neutralize free radicals in the skin. This slows down the signs of aging. In addition, matcha supports the healing process of acne on the skin by showing an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the formation of new acne.

It supports mental well-being.

In addition to EGCG’s effects on skin health, various studies have shown that EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) can alleviate mood disorders and increase well-being. Additionally, L-theanine found in Matcha reduces physical and mental stress while increasing a sense of calm. In this way, the potential negative effects of caffeine are minimized and mental calmness is achieved.

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to, where her work spans a variety...