Gas formation in the stomach is a common problem due to which there is pain in the stomach as well as in many parts of the body. It can cause problems like frequent belching, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Gas is formed in the stomach due to bad food and drink.

Why Gas formed?

Gas can also be formed due to eating too much fast food, consuming too much cold drink. People who have digestion related problems have to face more of the problem of gas formation. People think that stomach pain is caused due to gas formation in the stomach. But due to gas formation, pain occurs in the stomach as well as in other parts of the body.

Stomach pain

Due to gas formation in the stomach, gas is also formed in other parts of the body. When gas is formed in the stomach, swelling and pressure is felt in the stomach, due to which pain is experienced in the stomach, due to which problems like constipation and diarrhea can also occur. When gas is formed, problems like pain, cramps and spasms are experienced in the stomach.

Chest pain

When gas is formed in the body, then the problem of chest pain starts. Although chest pain can be due to any reason, but if you are having frequent chest pain, then definitely consult a doctor once. Chest pain can also occur due to stomach.


When gas is formed, then the problem of headache also occurs. Due to gas formation in the stomach, there is pressure on the organs and nerves around the body. Due to this, headache can occur. If you have headache due to gas, then do not ignore this problem, consult a doctor immediately.

Back pain

Sometimes, due to gas formation in the stomach, back pain also starts. Due to gas, pressure is exerted on the nerves and digestive system, which causes stomach pain. You may also have to face digestive problems. If you have persistent back pain, then consult a doctor for this.

Some tips to remove gas

* If gas is formed in the stomach, then you can use Eno for this.

* You can also use raw milk to remove stomach gas.

* If there is gas in the stomach, then you can also drink a glass of buttermilk by adding salt to it.

* To remove stomach growth, you should use hot water for drinking.

* Mint tablets are good for stomach gas. You can also consume them.

You can use the home remedies given to remove stomach gas. These are not tips given by any expert. If you have a lot of gas in the stomach, then contact the doctor for it.