ECHS BIG NEWS: There is good news for ex-servicemen. Under ECHS (Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme), now they will not have to visit the polyclinic (PC) every time.

Some changes have been made in ECHS to overcome the problems of getting medicines. Let us know in detail what these changes are and how ex-servicemen will benefit from them.

What was the problem with the old rules of ECHS

According to the old rules, it was necessary to go to the ECHS polyclinic every time to get medicines. This was especially a cause of trouble for those elderly ex-servicemen.

Also, there was a problem of medicines not being available on holidays or closed days. In such a situation, patients had to get medicines from authorized drug sellers (ALCs).

However, it was necessary to provide medicines to them within 24 hours, but sometimes it was difficult to do so due to geographical or other reasons.

Allowance to buy medicines yourself in the new system

Given these problems, now under the new system, beneficiaries have been allowed to buy medicines themselves for 3 days in certain circumstances. So let’s know what those circumstances are-

After emergency or referral: If you have to see a doctor in a private hospital on a holiday or when the medicine shop is closed, then the patient can buy the medicine for that day himself.

Also, if there are holidays or medicine shops are closed for several consecutive days after seeing the doctor, then medicines for a maximum of three days can be bought by yourself.

In case of delay in remote areas: If the authorized chemist (ALC) in a remote area is unable to provide the medicine within 48 or 72 hours, then in such a case, the ex-servicemen can buy the medicine from the market.

Later, as per the policy of ECHS, the price of that medicine will be recovered from the authorized chemist (ALC).

Long-term medicines: If the medicine is being taken continuously for any disease, then this exemption will not apply to it. In such a situation, patients should decide the time to meet the doctor accordingly.

What will be the benefits of the new rules

More convenience: The new rules will provide a lot of relief, especially to those elderly ex-servicemen, who find it difficult to go to the polyclinic again and again.

Medicines on time: By getting the exemption to buy medicines on their own, patients will be able to get medicines on time, due to which their treatment will be done in a better way.

Easy process: Now the process of buying medicines will also become easier, due to which ex-servicemen will have less trouble and they will be able to focus more on getting their treatment done.

Vikram Singh is a skilled content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and informative articles. He boasts 3 years of experience in the industry, tackling a diverse range of topics including personal...