The big news is waiting for Ration Card holders. If you also have a ration card, then there is important news for you. If you have not yet done E-KYC, then update it immediately; otherwise, the name may be removed from the beneficiary list, and the benefit of food grains may also stop in December. The E-KYC of all the members included in the ration card of the selected family in the National Food Security Scheme is mandatory. At present, 4.46 crore people are being benefited under the National Food Security Scheme in the state.




Actually, under the Rajasthan Food Security Scheme, the government has fixed the date for doing eKYC by 30 November. According to the order of the Food and Civil Supplies Department, eligible beneficiaries of the Food Security Scheme can get eKYC done by November by visiting fair price shops.


Verification of all the members recorded in the ration card is necessary for E-KYC. If the E-KYC of a single member is not done, then the ration card will not be updated. If fingerprints are not scanned during the E-KYC of a consumer, then E-KYC will be done for them from the iris machine.


No E-KYC, No Ration


Keep in mind that the beneficiaries who have not gotten eKYC done by the due date will not get the benefit of rations from December, and the name will also be removed from the food security list. All fair-priced shopkeepers have been directed that it is mandatory to get E-KYC done for all family members associated with the scheme by 30 November 2024. If E-KYC is not being done for any member of the selected family, then that family will not be given ration wheat. If a member’s Aadhaar card is not linked to the consumer’s ration card, then E-KYC of that member can be done only after Aadhaar seeding in the first ration card.