Bihar Board 12th Result 2025:- The BSEB Intermediate Board examinations were conducted by the Bihar School Examination Board from 1 to February 15, 2025. The board had banned students from wearing shoes and socks in the Bihar Class 12th examination 2025. Along with this, it was forbidden to carry electronic gadgets like smart watch, Bluetooth, earphones, mobile, calculator etc. in the examination hall.

Now that the 12th board examinations have been completed, the board has now started checking the copies of all the students. Along with the checking of copies, the results of the students appearing in the Intermediate Board Exam will be released after it is ready.

If we look at the pattern of last year, the intermediate result was declared by the Bihar Board on March 23. It is being said that this year the result can also be declared between 20 and 25 March 2025.

Where and how can you check the result?

As soon as BSEB declares the results, the direct link will be activated on the official website After this, the students of Bihar Board can check their results by visiting the official website, clicking on the link related to the result and filling in the required details.

How to download the mark sheet

To download the marksheet of Bihar Board 12th Result 2025, first, you have to go to the official website.

On the website’s home page, you have to click on the link related to the result.

Now, you have to enter the roll number and roll code and submit it.

No, the mark sheet will open on the screen from where you can download it.

The link to the Bihar Board Result will be active on four websites:,,, and You can check your results on any of these websites.

Let us tell you that Bihar Board Class 12th examinations were conducted between 1 February to February 15, 2025. These examinations were conducted in two shifts. The first shift was from 9:30 am to 12:45 pm, and the second was from 2:00 pm to 5:15 pm.