BPSC Paper Leak: In Bihar, MP Pappu Yadav called for a Bihar bandh on Sunday in support of BPSC candidates. During the bandh, bandh supporters protested by blocking roads in various cities. According to the information, there has been heavy vandalism at Ashoka Rajpath and other areas. Shops were also forcibly closed.

NA case has been registered against 200 people, including Pappu Yadav. The. Bihar Police has also detained many people. A case has been registered against 150 people in Kotwali police station and 45-50 in Gandhi Maidan police station. Many miscreants were released on bail after being taken into police custody.

Activists created a ruckus.

Pappu Yadav called for a Bihar bandh to support BPSC candidates’ demands. During this, bandh supporters demonstrated by burning tyres on Ashoka Rajpath.

Pappu Yadav and his supporters took to the streets of Patna at around 10:30 am on Sunday. On Ashoka Rajpath, protesters broke the glass of a Hiva engaged in metro construction. In front of the police, lathis were used to force the shops to close. There were arguments between the shopkeepers and the protesters many times. Bihar Police has taken strict action in this matter.

MP Pappu Yadav said that students are being unfairly treated. There are so many students studying. If a mass protest is held in any matter, how will it be wrong? So many teachers have come in support, but despite this, everyone is being treated wrongly.

Pappu Yadav says that the issue of dharna and protest is not just BPSC. The problem is the leak of papers of the country’s examinations. Today, BPSC, tomorrow’s constable recruitment, the day after tomorrow, the clerk exam, and the following medical exam paper will be leaked.

He said that a conspiracy was being hatched to ruin the children’s future in the examinations. Paper leaks cannot happen without the connivance of the government and the officials. We will not let it happen in the session that will be held on March 31. We want to have a broad discussion on this in the House.

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