This year, Sharadiya Navratri will begin on October 3rd. This festival holds special significance in Hinduism. People believe that worshipping the nine forms of Goddess Durga during these days of Navratri quickly pleases her and grants the desired boons.

During this time, devotees worship Mata Rani methodically to please her and decorate her specially. If you have a statue of Mata Rani in your house, then you can follow the measures given below to decorate her. Even if you have a picture of Mata in your house, its decoration holds special significance. Let us know how to decorate Mata Rani during Navratri.

The significance of Mata Rani’s sixteen embellishments

In Hinduism, sixteen adornments are considered very auspicious and a symbol of positive fortune. For this reason, people decorate Mata Rani with sixteen adornments on the holy occasion of Navratri. Mehndi, Payal, Gajra, Red Bangles, Red Chunari, Red Bindi, Kajal, Maangtika, Earrings, Nath, Bichhua, Armlet, Girdle, and Mangalsutra are the main items. Mata Rani loves red-colored clothes very much, so if you have a statue of Mata Rani in your house, then definitely bring a beautiful embroidered red lehenga for her.

Method of decorating Mata Rani

To decorate Mata Rani, first set up a chowki. Purify this chowki with Gangajal and cover it with a yellow or red cloth. Now set up the idol or picture of Mata Rani on this chowki. If you have a statue of Mata Rani, then give her a bath and dress her in red clothes.

After this, apply kajal in her eyes, alta on her feet, bindi on her forehead, bangles in her hands, and other ornaments. Finally, finish Mata Rani’s makeup by spraying a garland of flowers and jasmine perfume. If you have a picture of the mother in your house, then bathe it with Gangajal and offer red chunari and makeup items.

Keep these things in mind while decorating.

When presenting sixteen makeup items to Mata Rani, it’s important to remember certain special considerations. Offering a red embroidered chunari to Mata Rani is considered extremely auspicious.

You should only make gajra from real flowers. Gajra of rose or jasmine flowers is considered most auspicious.

The color of any makeup item should not be black. We prohibit the use of black as a symbol of negativity.

Religious significance of sixteen makeup items

Offering sixteen makeup items to Mata Rani during Navratri has a special religious significance. Devotees believe that offering sixteen makeup items to Mata Rani during Navratri fulfills all their wishes. Happiness, prosperity, and the positive fortune of married life always remain in the house. For married women, offering sixteen makeup items to Mata Rani during Navratri is considered crucial for unbroken positive fortune.

This Navratri, you too should offer sixteen adornments to Mata Rani in a proper manner and receive her blessings.