Delhi New Cm: Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, who came out of Tihar Jail after getting bail from the Supreme Court, is continuously making headlines. Ever since Arvind Kejriwal announced his resignation from the CM post among AAP workers at the party office after visiting Bajrang Bali Hanuman, various speculations are being made.

On Monday, CM Kejriwal will submit his resignation to the Lieutenant Governor. Now soon the capital Delhi will get a new CM. Everyone has a question in their mind that who will be their next CM. Will Arvind Kejriwal’s wife be the next CM of Delhi.

Many big names are being discussed in the race for CM from Aam Aadmi Party. This situation will be clear on Monday as to who will become the next CM of Delhi. Apart from common people, the eyes of officers and employees associated with jobs are also fixed on the next CM.

Soon a meeting of the Legislative Party will be called by AAP, in which the next CM will be selected for swearing-in. If some political experts are to be believed, resigning from the CM post can also become a noose around the neck for CM Arvind Kejriwal.

These big names in the race for the CM post

Who will be the next CM of Delhi remains a big question, but do you know that many big names are involved in this race. First of all, the name of Atishi, a minister in the Delhi government, is also considered to be at the forefront in the race for the CM post. Trust can be expressed in any one of the party leaders Saurabh Bhardwaj, Raghav Chadha, Gopal Rai, Kailash Gehlot, Sunita Kejriwal.

There will be a meeting between Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia on Monday. This meeting is being seen from the point of view of the announcement of the new CM. It is believed that the new CM will be revealed only after the discussion in this meeting. If senior party leader Saurabh Bhardwaj is to be believed, then the AAP Legislative Party meeting will be held immediately after the resignation of the CM. All 60 MLAs of the party will attend this meeting, in which consensus can be reached on one name.

Kejriwal should not have to pay heavily for resigning from the post

In the recent years, the leader who resigned from the CM post has had to go through a situation of separation and conflict in the party. Will Kejriwal also have to be ready for this? It is too early to say all this, but nothing is impossible in politics. In Bihar, when Nitish Kumar resigned from the CM post and made Jitan Ram Manjhi the CM, there was a lot of tussle between the two later.

Both of them had cursed each other fiercely, because Jitan Ram Manjhi did not want to leave the CM chair. Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren handed over the CM post to Champai Soren while going to jail. When Hemant Soren came out of jail, there was a lot of upheaval for the post. Champai Soren was very disappointed after being removed from the CM post, who is still going against the party line.

Kejriwal will resign on Monday

CM Arvind Kejriwal had announced his resignation from his post on Saturday. When he announced his resignation from the CM post during his speech in the party office, the workers were shocked. The workers kept protesting against his decision by waving their hands. During this, Kejriwal had said that I am going to resign from the CM post 2 days from today.

I will not sit on this chair until the public announces its decision. He further said that the Delhi Assembly will not be dissolved, we will keep working for the public. Kejriwal said that Manish Sisodia will also take over the post of Deputy CM only when he is elected by the public.

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