What should be purchased on Dhanteras: Dhanteras is an auspicious day. Therefore, people shop a lot on this day. According to the Hindu religion, Lord Dhanvantari appeared on Dhanteras with a pot of nectar.

Therefore, some utensils are purchased on this day. Apart from this, gold and silver jewellery can also be purchased in Dhanteras. Buying a broom on this day is also considered very auspicious. Gold or silver jewellery, idols of Lakshmi-Ganesh ji, utensils, broom, dry coriander, puffed rice, batasha, Gomti Chakra-kodiya etc. should be purchased.

Buying copper, brass and silver utensils on Dhanteras is considered good. However, steel, glass, aluminium, and iron utensils should be purchased on this day.

Black or dark-coloured items and items made of porcelain, glass, or aluminium should not be purchased on Dhanteras.

Watch Video Puja Vidhi of Dhanteras 

On Dhanteras, Rahu Kaal will be from 2:51 pm to 4:15 pm on October 29. Shopping should not be done during this time. Shopping during Rahu Kaal does not give promising results. It also has a profound impact on our lives.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general beliefs and information. Timesbull.com does not confirm it.)