We have always heard from our elders to save money and have seen our grandmothers and mothers how they used to save money.

Whenever we had some money left from our daily expenses, we used to take out some cash and keep it and save it in our wallet or piggy bank or sometimes in grains, and with the remaining little money, we used to spend it all in our pocket.

We had also learned to save money from our childhood when someone used to give us change or money, we used to either put it in a piggy bank hide it in a cotton box, or give it to our mouth, this is how we used to save money.

A famous investor Warren Buffet has said “Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving”. This means that don’t save the money left after spending but spend the money you have saved.

Saving money is a good habit and is very important. Life always gives us some challenges. To build a good financial future, saving is very important for education, personal needs, and family needs.

These are the ways to save money.

1) The most important and the first thing is to see the financial statement to see how much you spend monthly and where you spend money from your expenditure.

2) Make a budget as per your income, like light bills, household items, grocery, education, gas, maintenance, taxes, rent, out, etc., and see where you need to spend how much is necessary, and where you can save.

3) Whenever you go to buy household items or other items required for the house keep in mind that nowadays many malls and supermarkets sell items at discounted prices, especially on special days like festivals, Republic Day, Children’s Day, etc.

And try to buy items in bulk, not in small quantities. Items bought in bulk not only last longer, but it will save your money and also save the cost of travel.

4) We cannot get tasty and healthy food like homemade food anywhere. Try to save and eat as much food as possible at home, this will also increase love in relationships.

5) Buy good quality clothes, shoes, and accessories once a year or in 6 months which can last for a long time.

7) Try to switch off the light whenever you do not need it.

8) Make the best out of waste from paper, bottles, and plastic bags. You can make garbage bags from paper and plastic bags, bird feeders from bottles, and bottles can also be used to grow small plants.

9) Try to track your budget every month, how much was spent, and how much more you can save.

10) Instead of using the vehicle to go out, try to walk as much as you can.