Ration cards Canceled: Ration cards of fake ration card holders are being canceled in Delhi. The reason behind this is that the holders are not found at the address given for verification. Ration cards of new applicants are being made in place of the canceled ration card holders.

The Food and Supplies Department of the Delhi government is investigating the card holders who have not taken ration for three months. There are currently 19 lakh ration card holders in Delhi, to whom ration is being distributed according to 71 lakh people.

Delhi government made a special appeal to the people

Delhi Food and Supplies Minister Imran Hussain says that people who have ration cards should continue to take ration from ration centers, so that no one faces inconvenience. He said that the quota of ration cards in Delhi has been completed, while many people are still standing in lines to get ration cards made. Minister Imran Hussain has also talked about writing a letter to the Center to increase the quota of ration cards.

40 thousand ration cards canceled in 1 year

In order to deliver ration to the right people in Delhi, the pension holders and ration card holders are verified door-to-door, due to which many people are not found at the given address. In order to make ration cards of new applicants, the department is investigating those who have stopped taking ration from the ration card. During this, the Delhi government has canceled the ration cards of about 40 thousand people in 1 year.

Not being found at the given address during verification is the major reason for the cancellation

Such cases were detected in July 2021, after which e-pass systems were installed at every ration shop. But the department was waiting for people to come to take ration, when these people did not come to take ration, the department verified it by going door-to-door, then more than 40 thousand people were not present at the address given for verification. Due to which the ration cards of these people were canceled.

Biometric system stopped the theft of ration

It is said that ever since the e-pass system has been installed at the shops and the Aadhar card is linked to it, the biometric identity of the person taking the ration is recorded. Ration is issued on this basis. This has stopped the theft of ration and the scam has reduced. After this, such people have stopped taking ration who are either in government jobs or do not fall in this category of those getting ration. Apart from this, even after the Corona epidemic in 2020-21, many people went to their villages who did not return.