If the colours of Holi have faded the glow of your face. Then these 5 skin care tips will bring back the lost glow.
Can you have dull skin now
You had a lot of fun on Holi today but are you worried about your dull skin now? If your skin has become lifeless due to gulal and chemical colours. Then don’t panic, you can make your skin healthy and glowing by just adopting some skin care tips.
Lost glow your skin?
Playing with colours in Holi is as much fun as it is difficult to bring back the lost glow of the skin. Chemical colours and gulal make the skin dry, sometimes irritation can also cause allergy, for this, you can bring back the glow of your face with some home remedies and healthy skin care tips.
Cleansing with milk and honey
To remove the colours of Holi, save yourself from wrong methods, instead mix some raw milk in honey and massage with light hands, this will remove all the colour from your face and make the face soft. Milk removes the colours from the skin well and honey moisturizes the skin.
Aloe vera and rose water
We played Holi with fun, but now due to chemical colours, there can be irritation and redness in our skin, so mix rose water in fresh aloe vera gel and apply it on the face, it will cool the skin soon and remove the redness. Will reduce
Gram flour and curd pack
If the face has become dull and lifeless due to colors, then make a face pack by mixing turmeric in gram flour and curd, it will work like a natural scrub and will bring new shine and glow on the face
Do deep cleansing with coconut oil
If permanent colors get applied on the face, then instead of washing the face with soap, use coconut oil. Lightly massage the face with coconut oil, it will remove the color from the skin as soon as possible and will also moisturize the skin
Plenty of water and detox drink
After Holi, you should take care of your skin not only from outside but also from inside, for this drink as much water as possible throughout the day. Consume more lemon water, coconut water, it will repair the skin quickly and will bring glow from inside.
Follow the steps
* It is very important to follow skin care after Holi
* By adopting some home remedies, you can get back the color and glow of your face
* Those who have oily skin can also use aloe vera gel instead of coconut oil
* Avoid caffeine and soda after Holi to avoid dehydration
* Never use soap to remove color from your face as it can damage your skin
After playing Holi, take care of your face with healthy skin so that your face does not get damaged and your skin remains healthy.