A very important news for the customers of the Indian Post. A free pickup cart has been started for customers from India Post Business Post Center. This facility will be available in many cities. The Department of Posts’ Business Post Center is a place where customers with a large volume of mail or parcel can make their bookings. If you’re an India Post customer, then this article is for you.


Jodhpur city has now joined the select cities where the postal department is offering free pickup facilities for its bulk customers. The Jodhpur-based Business Post Center of the Indian Post Department has arranged a pickup vehicle for this, which will bring the mail or parcel of bulk customers from their place free of charge. The service was flagged off in the presence of the senior superintendent, deputy superintendent, and other officials of Jodhpur Postal Division.


Big step taken by Indian Post


These often include large companies or government and non-government institutions, which regularly send their goods in the country and abroad. In Jodhpur Postal Division, one such business post center is also operational in the regional office, where about 75 bulk customers make regular bookings.


What is BNPL facility?


The Business Post Center also offers BNPL facilities to its customers, wherein after registration, customers can book their articles without advance fees. At the end of the month, the bill is given to the customer, which has to be paid by the 5th of the following month. This makes postal fee payments easier for bulk customers.


Free Pickup Service


This pickup vehicle will bring mail or parcels from their office or warehouse to the business post center on the call of the customer daily. Now customers do not need to come to the Business Post Center. This pickup service is completely free.