JEE Main Admit Card 2025:- Good news is coming for the candidates preparing for the JEE Main exam. The city slip of JEE Main Session 2 exam will be released very soon by the National Testing Agency. Candidates who have applied for this exam can download the JEE Main Exam City Slip 2025 by entering the application number and date of birth on the official website of NTA

Let us tell you that the examination will be conducted for the candidates from 1st to 8th April 2025. JEE Main Admit Card 2025 will be available for download by the National Examination Agency on the official website 4 days before the exam.

How can you download the admit card?

After releasing the JEE Main Admit Card online from home, candidates can download it.

First, the candidate must go to the official website

On the website’s home page, go to LATEST NEWS and click on the exam admit card link.

Now, on the next page, you have to fill in the application number, password and the given code and submit it.

After this, the admit card/city slip will appear on the screen, where you can download it and take a printout.

Exams will be conducted in two shifts.
JEE Main Session 2 exam will be conducted from 1 to April 8, 2025, at the designated examination centres nationwide. According to the information, the first shift examination will continue from 9 am to 12/ 12:30 pm. The second shift examination will be conducted from 3 pm to 6/ 6:30 pm.