Today, November 24, 2024, the temperature in Noida is 26.19°C. The minimum temperature will be between 15.16°C, and the maximum temperature will be 28.51°C. A light, cool breeze will be felt throughout the day, and the skies will be clear. The Air Quality Index (AQI) is in the ‘poor’ category with 222. People with asthma or respiratory problems should stay indoors in such a situation.

Make your plans amid the bright sun, and remember to use sunscreen and sunglasses to avoid the sun.

Detailed weather forecast of Noida for today and tomorrow
Date Minimum Temperature Maximum Temperature Wind Speed ​​Humidity Level Sky Condition
November 24, 2024, 15.16°C 28.51°C 22 km/h 22% Clear Sky
November 25, 2024, 21.43°C 28.44°C 20 km/h 23% Clear Sky

Weather for the next 7 days in Noida

Date Temperature (average) Sky Condition
November 25, 2024, 26.14°C Clear Sky
November 26, 2024, 25.55°C Clear Sky
November 27, 2024, 25.5°C Clear Sky
November 28, 2024, 25.01°C Clear Sky
November 29, 2024, 24.42°C Clear Sky
November 30, 2024, 24.05°C Clear sky
December 1, 2024, 24.73°C Clear sky

Notes on Noida’s air quality

Today’s Air Quality Index (AQI): 222 (poor)


Children and older people should avoid going out.Wear a mask when going out.Use an air purifier indoors.Today’s weather in other cities of IndiaCity Temperature (average) Sky condition.
Mumbai 26.78°C Cloudy
Kolkata 24.77°C Scattered clouds
Chennai 27.58°C Partly cloudy
Bengaluru 24.16°C Partly cloudy
Hyderabad 25.76°C Partly cloudy
Ahmedabad 27.73°C Partly cloudy
Delhi 26.04°C Clear sky
How to plan your day?
Sunrise and Sunset:

Sunrise: 06:50 AM
Sunset: 05:24 PM
Outdoor Activities:

Plan outdoor activities in the morning or evening.

Prepare to avoid sun and pollution while keeping high AQI in mind.


Carry sunscreen and water before stepping out.

Use a mask, especially in the morning and evening.

Use this information to make your day better and stay healthy.