Action against fake passports is underway in West Bengal, with the police continuously making arrests. Meanwhile, new guidelines have been issued for districts and Commissioners regarding the police’s responsibilities during verification to prevent passport fraud.

According to sources, these new instructions were sent by the state intelligence branch. The written instructions were emailed by the state intelligence branch on Sunday afternoon. These guidelines were issued after the DGP held a press conference, where he stated that the police have no role in passport verification. The new guidelines place additional responsibilities on the District Superintendents of Police and the Police Commissioner.

Many Important Decisions Taken

Several key decisions have been made to strengthen the police verification process for passports. It has been decided that the local police station will conduct the ground investigation. The investigation report will then be sent to the station in charge for further action. The District Superintendent of Police (SP) and Police Commissioner (CP) will assign a competent officer to make the final decision on passport applications. The SP or CP will also retain the login ID and password for passport applications and settlements.

Police Not Responsible, Says DG

State Police DG Rajiv Kumar, Kolkata Police Commissioner Manoj Verma, and ADG Law and Order Javed Shamim addressed the media on Sunday. They raised several questions about the Central Passport Authority’s guidelines. Rajiv Kumar clarified that the police have no responsibility in confirming the address for passports.

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