SSC CGL Final Answer Key 2024: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has finally released the final answer key of the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Exam 2024 Tier 1! This news is very important for lakhs of candidates who appeared for this exam. The SSC CGL Tier 1 result was declared on December 5, 2024, after which the candidates were eagerly waiting for the final answer key.

Now you can download it from the official website of SSC Candidates who appeared for the exam can now confirm their correct answers. More than 1.65 lakh candidates have qualified for Tier 2 (Paper-I) in this exam. SSC CGL Tier-2 examinations are likely to be held from January 18 to January 20, 2025. However, these dates are not fixed yet, but the confirmed dates will be announced soon. The commission has also released an official notification in this regard.

SSC CGL Final Answer Key: How to download?

The official notification of SSC clearly states, ‘The Commission has uploaded the final answer key and response sheet of the Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2024 (Tier-I) on its website on 19.12.2024. Candidates can view their final answer key and response sheet from 19.12.2024 (6:00 PM) to 08.01.2025 (6:00 PM). For this, they have to log in to the Commission’s website with their registered ID and password.’ In simple words, follow these steps to download:

Visit the official website of SSC,

Find the ‘Answer Key’ section on the homepage.

Click on the link ‘Combined Graduate Level Examination (Tier-I) 2024: Final Answer Keys along with Candidate’s Response Sheet(s)’.

Log in by entering your registration ID and password.

Download your response sheet and final answer key.

SSC CGL Tier 1 Result: A Glance

In the result declared on December 5, 2024, more than 1.65 lakh candidates have qualified for Tier 2. This is a big achievement and these candidates should now start preparing for Tier 2.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam: What is the expected date?

Although there is no official announcement yet, the SSC CGL Tier-2 exams are likely to be held from January 18 to January 20, 2025. Candidates are advised to keep a check on the official website so as not to miss out on any updates.

Importance of SSC CGL Final Answer Key: Why is it important?

The final answer key gives candidates a fair idea of ​​their performance. It lets them know how many questions they have answered correctly and how many incorrectly. Apart from this, it is also an important resource for future exams as it gives candidates an idea of ​​the exam pattern and the level of questions.

SSC CGL Exam: A Brief Overview

The SSC CGL exam is conducted to recruit staff for Group B and Group C posts in various ministries, departments and organizations of the Government of India. The exam is taken by lakhs of candidates every year. The exam consists of Tier 1, Tier 2, and for some posts, Tier 3 and Tier 4.

SSC CGL Exam Preparation: Some Important Tips

If you are also preparing for the SSC CGL exam, here are some important tips:

Understand the syllabus: Understand the syllabus of the exam thoroughly and prepare accordingly.

Solve previous years question papers: Solving previous years question papers will give you an idea of ​​the pattern of the exam and the level of questions.
Practice regularly: Regular practice is the key to success. Make sure to take out some time every day for study.
Time Management: Time management is very important in the exam. So, take care of time during the exam.
Revision: Make sure to revise the entire syllabus before the exam.

SSC CGL Final Answer Key: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Question: Where to download SSC CGL Final Answer Key?

Answer: From the official website of SSC,

Question: What is the last date to view the Final Answer Key?

Answer: 08.01.2025 (6:00 PM)

Question: When is the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam likely to be held?

Answer: January 18 to January 20, 2025 (Expected)

SSC CGL: Future Strategy

Now that the final answer key has been released and the Tier 1 result is out, candidates should start preparing for Tier 2. With hard work and the right strategy, you will definitely achieve success.

Conclusion: Hard work is the mantra of success

SSC CGL exam is a challenging exam, but it can be passed with hard work and efforts in the right direction. After the release of the final answer key, candidates must have got a fair idea of ​​their performance. Now focus completely on preparing for Tier 2 and take another step towards success.

Fact Check:

The information given in this article is based on the official website and notification of SSC. Candidates are advised to check the official website for confirmation of any information. This article is for informational purposes only.