There is a big Update for SSC candidates. The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has not yet released the result of the MTS exam 2024, but it is believed that the results will be announced soon. When the result is released, the candidates appearing in the Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff and Havildar (CBIC and CBN) Exam 2024 can check their results by visiting the official website of SSC The exams for MTS and Havildar recruitment were conducted from 30 September to 14 November 2024. The computer-based examination was conducted in two sessions.


How to Check Result?


1. After the result is released, first of all go to the official website of SSC


2. Then click on the link with SSC MTS Result 2024 on the home page.


3. After that, the result of SSC MTS will open in PDF format and will appear on your screen.


4. Download the PDF of the result and take a printout of it for future use.


SSC MTS Recruitment 2024: How many posts will be recruited?


The Staff Selection Commission has set a target to fill a total of 9,583 vacancies of MTS and Havildar under this recruitment drive, out of which 6,144 posts have been reserved for Multi-Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) and 3439 posts for Havildar. In the examination for these posts, more than 57 lakh applications were received, i.e. more than 5500 candidates applied for one post.