The Odisha government has distributed the first instalment of the third phase under the Subhadra Scheme. During a program held in Sundargarh district, Chief Minister Mohan Majhi transferred Rs 5,000 to the bank accounts of 20 lakh women. So far, 80 lakh women have benefited from this scheme. The government aims to extend the scheme’s benefits to 1 crore women by December.

Money Directly Transferred to Bank Accounts

Under the Subhadra scheme, financial assistance of Rs 5,000 is being directly credited to the bank accounts of women. To date, more than Rs 1,000 crore has been transferred under this scheme. In Sundargarh district, 4.59 lakh women have registered for the scheme, and 3.37 lakh women have received the first instalment of the third phase.

How to Apply for the Scheme?

Applying for Subhadra Yojana is simple:

  1. Visit the official website:
  2. Click on “Beneficiary List.”
  3. Enter your district, panchayat, and ward details.
  4. Check if your name is on the list.
  5. If your name appears, the money will be directly transferred to your bank account. Ensure you upload necessary documents like Aadhar card and bank account information during the application process.

Happiness and Enthusiasm Among Women

Women are expressing great joy over the Subhadra scheme. Many have called it a beneficial initiative by the government. Women, even those at home, are digitizing their documents to avail of the scheme’s benefits. Deputy CM Pravati Parida has praised ASHA workers and self-help groups for their efforts in making the scheme a success. Not only does this scheme provide financial support, but it also helps empower women by giving them a chance to become self-reliant.

A New Hope for Women

Subhadra Yojana has provided financial strength to millions of women and has brought a sense of hope and independence into their lives. This initiative by the Odisha government is becoming a significant example of women’s empowerment.

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