Oats Recipes For Weight Loss : Oats are high fibre and low calories, which help in weight loss but are not tasty. That’s why nobody likes them. There is the perfect solution to your problem because Today we are bringing lots of healthy and tasty recipes for oats.

Oats for weight loss

Oats are full of taste and health, so its consumption is very beneficial. Nutrients like protein, fiber, iron, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, magnesium, amino acids and antioxidants are found in oats. the fiber present in oats helps in increasing the metabolic rate of the body. Due to which it helps in burning more calories. Consuming oats for breakfast keeps the stomach full for a long time and you do not feel hungry again and again.

By doing this, you avoid overeating and it helps in weight loss. Oats are the best option for those who want to lose weight. Although many flavors of oats are available in the market, processing is used to make instant oats. Which can spoil your health. In such a situation, instead of buying instant oats from the market, you can buy raw oats and give your own flavor at home. Here we are going to tell you about 5 such recipes made from oats. These recipes are not only full of taste, but are also helpful in weight loss.

Oats Soup for Weight Loss

Dietitian Nidhi Gupta says that oats soup is best for weight loss. It contains plenty of fiber, calories, carbohydrates, healthy fat, which helps in weight loss. To make oats soup, heat a pan and add 1 teaspoon ghee, then add grated ginger and vegetables and cook. After this, add oats and 1 glass of water and cook. After cooking for 5 to 7 minutes, your oats soup is ready to drink.

Tadka Oats for Weight Loss

People who like spicy food can include Tadka Oats in their diet to lose weight. To make Tadka Oats, first heat oil in a pan. Then add oats and fry them. Keep the oats aside. Chop some vegetables and cook in the same pan. After cooking for 5 minutes, add turmeric powder, salt and roasted oats and mix well. After a while, add lemon juice and coriander and serve.

Oats Patty for Weight Loss

To make oats patties, roast the oats in a pan till they turn light brown. Grind the roasted oats finely in a grinder. Now roast the green vegetables in a pan and grind them. Mix both the mixtures and add 2 teaspoons of curd to it. When everything is cooked properly, put it in a sandwich maker and give it the shape of a patty. Do not apply any kind of oiling while putting it in the sandwich maker.

Oats and Curd for Weight Loss

To make curd oats, soak the oats in 1 glass of water the night before. In the morning, remove the water and keep the oats aside and mix fresh curd in it. Add fruits like banana, strawberry and honey as per taste and eat it.

Strawberry Overnight Oats

Strawberry overnight oats is the best recipe for those who cannot wake up early in the morning and prepare a healthy breakfast for themselves. For this, first of all mix 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup milk, 2-3 strawberries, 2 bananas and half a teaspoon of honey in a glass container. Leave this mixture covered overnight. You can consume it in the morning.

If you are on your weight loss journey and finding something tasty at the time healthy then this article is special defined for you.

Stay happy, stay fit, stay happy and happy cooking