UGC NET result:- Good news is coming for the candidates who appeared in the UGC NET December exam. The result of the UGC NET exam conducted by the National Testing Agency can be released very soon. After the exam results are released, candidates can download them by visiting the official website of NTA Apart from this, candidates will be able to see the result with the help of the steps given here.

The result of UGC’s National Eligibility Test (NET) will be released soon. If sources are to be believed, this result can be released on 21st February.

UGC NET is a national-level examination which is conducted every year. This exam is conducted to determine eligibility for the posts of Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor. A total of 85 subjects are examined simultaneously in this exam.

When was the UGC NET exam held?

NTA conducted the UGC NET December exam in January. This exam was conducted on January 3, 6, 10, 16, 21 and 27. After the exam, the answer key was released on January 31, and now the candidates who appeared are eagerly awaiting their results.

How do you download UGC NET results?

First, you must go to the official website of NTA

After this, you have to click on the UGC NET result link.

Now, a new page will open before you, in which you have to fill in your registration details and date of birth.

After pressing the submit button, your result will appear on the screen.

After checking the result, I found that it also has to be downloaded.

Finally, the candidates should take a printout of it.

However, NTA has not officially disclosed any date for releasing the result. But, according to sources, it is likely to be released by Friday. Apart from this, candidates can directly check their results through this link: without any problem.