Weather Update: The mood of the weather is changing rapidly. Whereas earlier people were agitated by the cold, they have gotten significant relief from the bright sunshine. However, the heat in the afternoon and the cold at night are bothering people. Regarding the weather in Delhi, there is a lot of good sunshine these days. According to the Meteorological Department, fog in Delhi NCR is possible this week.

Delhi-NCR Weather Update

According to the Meteorological Department, the weather in Delhi-NCRwillo is dry. According to the Meteorological Department, there may be sunshine during the day and cold at night. However, there is a possibility of an increase in the minimum temperature in the coming two days. However, people living in Delhi-NCR are seen getting relief from the cold.

Weather conditions in RajasthanPeople in Rajasthan are feeling cold due to fog. The minimum temperature in Fatehpur has been recorded at 0.5 degrees Celsius. The Meteorological Department has expressed the possibility of cold waves in different places in the state. However, the Meteorological Department believes that extraordinary gems will be seen soon.

 Kashmir Weather Forecast

Kashmir is hot during the day and cold at night. Rain is expected on January 29. At the same time, the minimum temperature in Srinagar on Sunday night was 5.5 degrees Celsius below zero. According to the Meteorological Department, light rain is expected in the hilly areas.

Uttar Pradesh Weather Forecast

According to the Meteorological Department, the minimum temperature in some places in Uttar Prades, such as Agra, Kanpur, Varanasi, Hapur, and  Bulandshah, is between 8 and 10 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature is between 22 and 24 degrees Celsiuss—however, the bright sunshineis pprovidingrelief to the people.

Rain forecast

According to the Meteorological Department, light to moderate rain is expected in some parts of Kashmir. Due to dry weather, heat increases during the day and is cold at night. The Meteorological Department has predicted rain in the next 24 hours. The IMD has predicted that the weather will remain dry until the evening of January 29. Snowfall and light rain are possible at many places on the night of January 29 or the morning of January 30.