PAN card: The PAN card is a card on which the 10 digit permanent number written on it contains all kinds of information.

The information hidden in these numbers is tracked by the Income Tax Department. Keeping this in mind, the department issues PAN cards to every person.

However, there are very few people who understand or know the numbers written on the PAN card. We are telling you what is the meaning of the alphanumeric numbers written on the PAN card.

Sarran is hidden in the letters

The name and date of birth of the cardholder are written on the PAN card, but your surname is also hidden in the PAN card number.

The fifth digit of the PAN card shows your surname. The Income Tax Department keeps the surname of the cardholder in its data. Therefore the account number also contains his information. However, the tax department does not give this information to the cardholder.

If you have ever looked at your PAN card carefully, then you will know that the first three characters of the PAN card are in alphabetical series. The fourth alphabet of the PAN card tells what you are in the eyes of the Income Tax Department.

If you are an individual, then the fourth alphabet of your PAN card will be P. So let us tell you what meaning is hidden behind which character of the PAN card.

This is the meaning of these letters in the PAN card

P- represents the name of a person.

H- represents religion.

A- tells about the group of the person.

B- gives information about the body of the card holder.

G- Government agency.

L- Local authority.

F- means firm.

T- means trust.