Big news for student’s. Especially if you are plan for sit REET ecam then this article is for you. According to the Education Minister of Rajasthan, the REET exam is proposed in February. Apart from this, the Rajasthan Board 10th and 12th class exams are also held in February. The board conducts both exams, in such a situation, there is confusion on which exam the board postpones it.


Let us tell you that no official information has yet come on the website regarding the date of REET examination, only the Education Minister announced in November that the REET exam will be held in February. Let us tell you that the 10th, 12th board exams of Rajasthan will also be held in February. Board exams are held in February every year. At the same time, the board has made preparations to conduct the REET exam.

For this, the board prepared the format of the release and sent it to the government. Now the government has to give permission to this communique. The application for REET and the date of the exam will be announced as soon as the permission is received from the government. There is talk of the REET exam being held in February, because the board exams last for several days, so the board wants to conduct the exam before the board exam.

Check the REET Level 1 exam pattern here as per last year’s notification, this year’s notification has not been released yet. The exam is conducted for the selection of Grade III teachers for Level-1 (Primary Class 1 to 5) and Level-2 (Upper Primary Class 6 to 8). This exam is conducted in pen paper mode.

The REET Level 1 exam consists of five subjects including Language I and II, Child Development and Pedagogy, Environmental Studies, Maths.

The difficulty level for REET Level 1 will be equal to Class 12.

Candidates will have to complete the exam in two hours and thirty minutes.