Winter has arrived and the effect of cold winds is increasing rapidly. Especially at night, the cold wind is so strong that even the thought of getting into the quilt seems like winning a battle. Many times it happens that when you get into the quilt or blanket, it feels as cold as ice and the cold winds keep disturbing your comfort throughout the night. There are some easy and effective remedies to relieve this problem, by which you can make even a cold quilt warm in minutes and enjoy a comfortable sleep.

When we get into a cold quilt directly, it remains cold for a long time. The right way to do this is to wrap yourself in it properly instead of spreading the quilt completely on the bed. In this way, the quilt will heat up quickly and the cold wind will not get a chance to come inside. With this remedy, the quilt will remain warm till morning.

You must have felt that you feel more cold when sleeping alone. In this situation, if no one is sleeping with you, then fill the space with pillows or extra blankets. By doing this, warmth will be generated inside the quilt quickly and the effect of cold air will be reduced.

If cold air is coming from any corner of the quilt, it can eliminate the warmth. For this, cover yourself completely in the quilt while sleeping. If it is very cold, then cover the mouth as well. The carbon dioxide released through breath will maintain warmth inside the quilt and you will sleep comfortably.

Put a hot water bottle in the quilt before sleeping. This is a great solution, due to which the quilt gets heated quickly and the feeling of cold ends. It keeps the body warm and protects you from cold throughout the night.

If it is very cold, use blankets with more than one layer. Many layers help in maintaining warmth for a long time. First of all, take a light blanket, use a thick quilt over it. This method proves to be very effective in cold nights.

It is important to keep the quilt or blanket warm to sleep comfortably in the cold season at night. These small but effective measures mentioned above will help you protect yourself from cold and sleep comfortably. By adopting these tips, you can enjoy cold nights and feel fresh in the morning.