RRB RPF Constable Exam 2025: Railway Recruitment Board is conducting RRB RPF Constable Exam from today, March 2. This exam is being conducted in computer based test mode which will run till March 20, 2025. RRB had already released the admit cards on all the regional official websites.
What is the pattern of RRB RPF Constable Exam?
The candidate will have to answer a total of 120 questions in 90 minutes. 1 mark will be given for the correct answer. For wrong answers, 1/3 marks will be deducted as negative marking. Therefore, candidates should answer the questions thoughtfully.
Guidelines for Candidates
Candidates who are found committing forgery, cheating, misconduct will be debarred from all RRB examinations. Therefore, do not use any kind of electronic items like mobile, earphones, bluetooth etc. during the examination.
Carry a copy of the color photograph which was uploaded while applying online during CBT/PET/PMTDV/ME. Apart from your e-call letter, also carry a valid original photo identity card.
Selection Process
RRB RPF Constable Selection Process: First of all there will be written examination (CBT), followed by Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and then Physical Measurement Test (PMT). After this document verification is involved.
Passing Marks for Exam
RRB has fixed the minimum passing marks for General, EWS and OBC candidates at 35 percent. Whereas SC and ST category candidates will have to score 30 percent marks to pass. The examination is to be held for a total of 4208 posts of RRB RPF Constable.