UP Police Constable New Recruitment 2025: the Bihar government has released new recruitment for constable posts in the police department. The number of these recruitments is more than 19000. In such a situation, the candidates who were waiting for a government job will be able to apply in this recruitment. The Central Selection Board of Constable has released the notification of constable recruitment on the official website, interested candidates can check it by visiting the official website csbc.bihar.gov.in. According to the notification, the process of this recruitment of Bihar Police Constable will start from March 18, in which candidates will be able to apply till April 18.

Vacancy Detail

The Selection Board has released this recruitment in the constable posts of Bihar Police under various districts and Bihar Special Armed Police Vehicles. In this, candidates can see the category wise vacancy details below.

General Category- 7935 posts

EWS Category- 1983 posts

SC Category- 3174 posts

Scheduled Tribes- 199 posts

Extremely Backward Classes (EBC)-3571

Backward Classes (BC)-2381

Backward Classes Women (BCW)- 595

Total Vacancy- 19838

What is the required qualification?

To participate in this recruitment, the candidate must have 12th pass certificate or equivalent qualification from any recognized board. Along with educational qualification, physical qualification has also been sought for the candidates, which you can see below.

The height of male candidates of General, Backward Classes should be 165 cm, the height of male candidates of Extremely Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes should be 160 cm. Apart from this, the height of female candidates has been sought to be 155 cm. At the same time, the minimum weight of women should be 48 kg.

Chest measurement of men

The chest of general, backward class male candidates, extremely backward class male candidates should be 81 cm without expansion and 86 cm with expansion. The limit for male candidates of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe should be 79 cm without expansion and 84 cm with expansion. At the same time, the minimum weight of women should be 48 kg.

Age limit

The age of the candidates applying in this recruitment is 18-25 for general category, 18-27 for backward class and extremely backward class men, 18-28 for backward class and extremely backward class women and 5 years relaxation in maximum age for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe men and women and third gender, i.e. these candidates from 18 to 30 years can apply.

Selection process

All the youth involved in this recruitment will have to go through three stages – written examination, physical efficiency test, document verification. The written exam will be of total 100 marks and 100 questions will be asked in it. These questions will be of class 10th and equivalent level. The exam will be based on OMR sheet. Physical efficiency will also be of 100 marks, it will include measurement of height and weight. Also, 50 marks for running (1.6 km will have to be run in 6 minutes, women will have to run 1 km in 5 minutes.) Shot put – 25 marks (men will have to throw at least 16 feet, women will have to throw at least 12 feet), high jump for 25 marks (men will have to jump at least 4 feet and women will have to jump at least 3 feet). In document verification, candidates will have to go to the office with all the necessary documents. After this the merit list will be released.