Winter season knocking on the door. ACs set to go for a break. But still, there are always concerns about the electricity bill. Not only ACs, other electrical appliances also cause a high amount of electric bill every month. So how to deal with such a situation, how to reduce the electric bill? Let’s find out.

Indian homes until at least the cold weather arrives. Till then, the electricity bill keeps coming high. The main reason for this is that during this time the use of fridges, ACs, and coolers continues. Also, due to the heat and humidity in this appliance season, more hard work has to be done. Due to which the bill keeps coming high. The temperature is low in the rainy season, so we do not need hot water as much. In such a situation, setting the water heater to a low temperature or completely turning it off can reduce electricity consumption significantly.

Geyser draws more electricity

Due to the low temperature in the rainy season, the need to use air conditioners is less. If you use an air conditioner, set it to a higher temperature or run a fan. This can help reduce the electricity bill. Both electronic devices consume more electricity. The geyser draws more electricity to hot water. At the same time, the air conditioner also takes more electricity to cool the house. In such a situation, if you turn it off, it will definitely help in reducing the electricity bill.

Use 5-star electric devices.

You can use 5-star electric devices because they consume less electricity. Let us tell you that compared to other devices, the 5-star rating product costs less electricity. You can also install solar panels at your home. With its help, you can reduce the electricity of your entire house. You will be able to use the lights and fans in the house when the power goes out. Not only this, many state governments also give subsidies for installing solar panels.

Try to use solar panels.

If you do not want to install solar panels, then there are many products available on the market that are protected from sunlight.