No matter what the weather, the taste of cold coffee always soothes the heart. Drinking cold coffee instantly refreshes your mind. However, frequenting cafes and consuming cold coffee can be financially burdensome. Even if we try to make coffee at home, it doesn’t taste like the cafe, even if we use good restaurant ingredients. If this happens to you too, then do not panic! We have provided some tips to help you make perfect cold coffee at home, just like you would in a café.

1) Use full cream milk and freeze light ice.

First of all, use full cream milk to make cold coffee. Keep it in the freezer and allow the light ice to freeze. When light ice freezes in the milk, it can be used to make cold coffee. This will give a creamy texture to your coffee.

2) Beat the coffee well.

To enhance the taste of cold coffee, it is most important that you beat the coffee properly. In a glass or shaker, add coffee powder, sugar to taste, and some water. Now mix it well until it starts to foam. This process will make your coffee taste even better.

3) Blend the milk well.

Now, transfer the milk from the freezer into the blender and incorporate the cream. After this, add some ice cubes to it and blend again. Milk blended in this way will make your coffee thick and tasty.

4) Try this trick to get a cafe-like taste.

If you want the taste and thickness of cafe or restaurant coffee, then add ice cream to it. While blending the milk, add your favorite flavor of ice cream to it. This will give your cold coffee a market-like thickness and taste, which your friends and family will also enjoy very much.

5) Mix coffee and milk.

Finally, mix the beaten coffee and blended milk. Keep in mind that you should only blend it once so that the foam remains. Before pouring it into the glass, garnish with chocolate syrup, and then serve. Your perfect cold coffee is ready. With this simple method, you can make delicious café-like cold coffee at home.

I started my media career with Radio Dhamal, where I honed my skills in radio broadcasting. After that, I spent two years at News24 and E24, gaining valuable experience in news reporting and journalism....