Sooji Malpua Recipe: Many times it happens that suddenly you feel like eating something, but you do not understand what to eat, so today we will tell you about this easy sooji malpua. These malpuas are very tasty to eat, so much so that if you eat them just once, you will keep eating them. In such a situation, you must also know about this tasty sweet malpua and how to prepare it easily at home.
This is the recipe for making jaggery pua:
First step
If you want to prepare jaggery pua, then first of all soak the jaggery in a bowl. Keep in mind that do not add too much water to the jaggery. Just enough so that the jaggery sinks. Now take a vessel, add one cup of flour and half a cup of semolina in it. Then prepare the jaggery solution and mix the flour in the semolina while sifting it.
Second step
Now you have to prepare a soft batter for the pua. At the same time, keep in mind that milk has to be used instead of water to make the batter thin. Mix half a teaspoon of fennel, 1 tablespoon of grated coconut and 3 to 4 crushed cardamoms in it.
Third step
To make the prepared batter soft, keep it aside for 5-10 minutes. Here, keep the oil on medium flame to heat it. Now add one spoon of paste in this oil. The Pua will start floating in the oil.
Fourth step
Let the Pua fry well and when it is fried well on one side, turn it over and fry it on the other side. In the same way, keep taking out the Pua from the remaining batter.
Fifth step
Now eat this Pua till it cools down. The special thing is that you can also store it for 3-4 days.