The Sri Lankan cricket team has suffered a major setback. The Australian Cricket Board has decided to impose a 20-year ban on Dulip Samaraweera for allegedly misbehaving with a player. Samaraweera was a part of the Sri Lankan cricket team between 1993 and 1995. During this time, he has played five ODIs and seven Test matches.

However, after leaving cricket, he is now handling coaching responsibilities. He has served as an assistant coach for Australia’s Victoria Women’s Cricket Team and Melbourne Stars WBBL team. Early in 2024, the Victoria Women’s Team appointed Samaraweera as their head coach, but he resigned after two weeks.

Cricket Australia accused the former Sri Lankan player of extremely poor behavior with the players during his coaching tenure. Samaraweera violated Section 2.23 of the Code of Conduct Commission, which pertains to inappropriate behavior with players.

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