The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) announced the team for the India vs. Bangladesh Test series on Sunday, September 8. The BCCI has announced a 16-member team, in which players like Virat Kohli and Rishabh Pant have returned. The Indian team has given Yash Dayal a chance for the first time.
This 16-member team of India looks quite balanced. However, captain Rohit Sharma and head coach Gautam Gambhir are unlikely to include five of this team’s players in the playing eleven, relegating them to the role of water servers. Let us know about those players who will have to stay out of the playing eleven for the first match of the Bangladesh Test series.
India vs. Bangladesh Test series: Rohit and Gambhir will not get a chance; these 5 players.
The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) announced the team for the India vs. Bangladesh Test series on Sunday, September 8. The BCCI has announced a 16-member team, in which players like Virat Kohli and Rishabh Pant have returned. The Indian team has given Yash Dayal a chance for the first time.
This 16-member team of India looks quite balanced. However, captain Rohit Sharma and head coach Gautam Gambhir are unlikely to include five of this team’s players in the playing eleven, relegating them to the role of water servers. Let us know about those players who will have to stay out of the playing eleven for the first match of the Bangladesh Test series.
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