SBI FD: Guaranteed return with guaranteed security—that’s SBI Fixed FD for you. If someone is looking for a steady return with security, then investment in SBI is a good option to think about. Any Indian can invest in the bank’s scheme and increase their fund with a fixed rate. Today we’ll show you how much return you can make during 1 year to 5 years through SBI FD.

According to SBI’s website, the bank has increased FDs by 75 bps from 46 days to 179 days. Now the common people will be given 5.50% interest instead of 4.75% on this FD. At the same time, FDs of 180 days to 210 days tenure have been increased by 25 bps. It will now get interest at 6.00% instead of 5.75%. At the same time, on FDs ranging from 211 days to less than one year, interest will be given at the rate of 6.25% instead of 6.00%. At the same time, the elderly will get an additional benefit of 50 bps like other FDs on these.

Rs. 1 Lakh FD in SBI

If you get an FD of 1 lakh in SBI for 46 days to 179 days, then you will get interest at the rate of 5.50%. On this, you will get benefits ranging from Rs 690 to Rs 2715. If you break the FD in 46 days, you will get Rs 1,00,690 on maturity. At the same time, you will get Rs 1,02,715 on 179 days. On the other hand, if you break the FD on any day between 46 days to 179 days, then the day will be calculated at 5.50% and interest will be paid.

If you invest money in FD for 180 days to 210 days, then you will now get interest at 6.00%. In this case, you will get a minimum benefit of Rs 2,980 and a maximum of Rs 3,485 on a deposit of Rs 1 lakh. At the same time, you will get Rs 1,03,485 on 210 days. If broken between 180 days and 210 days, the day will be calculated according to the current interest rate and interest will be paid.

On the other hand, if you get an FD of Rs 1 lakh for 211 days to less than one year, then you will be given interest at 6.25%. In this case, you will benefit from around Rs 3,662 to Rs 6,398. If you invest money in FD for 180 days to 210 days, now you will get interest at 6.00%. In this case, you will get a benefit of a minimum of Rs 2,980 and a maximum of Rs 3,485 on a deposit of Rs 1 lakh.

SBI FD Interest Rates (p.a.) – 2024

Maximum Slab Rate 7.25% (for 444 days)

• 6.80% for 1 year

• 7.00% for 2 years

• 6.75% for 3 years

• 6.75% for 4 years

• 6.50% for 5 years

• Tax Saving FD 6.50%