During the 2019 World Cup, a picture of Indian players went viral, sparking a big mystery: “Whose hand is on Rishabh Pant’s shoulder?” This became the topic of discussion everywhere. Now, after six years, Pant himself has revealed the truth behind this mysterious picture. The viral image features Rishabh Pant along with former captain MS Dhoni, Hardik Pandya, Jasprit Bumrah, and Mayank Agarwal. The picture was taken during the Boys Day Out event during the 2019 World Cup, but none of the players knew that this moment would become an internet sensation filled with humour and confusion.
Pant Solved the mystery himself
There is no one behind Rishabh Pant in the picture, yet a hand appears on his left shoulder. Recently, Rishabh Pant invited fans to ask questions with the hashtag #AskRP on the social media platform X, writing, “Got some time, and got lots of answers. Ask your questions with #AskRP.” A fan shared the same viral picture and asked Pant, “Solve the biggest mystery. Whose hand was on your shoulder?” Pant responded, “Mayank Bhai’s,” finally solving the six-year-old mystery.
.@mayankcricket bhai.
— Rishabh Pant (@RishabhPant17) January 16, 2025
India’s journey in the 2019 World Cup ended with a loss to New Zealand in the semi-finals. Rohit Sharma was the highest run-scorer with 648 runs, but the team couldn’t secure the title. This World Cup marked MS Dhoni’s last international match and Virat Kohli’s last ODI World Cup as captain.
Rishabh Pant Can play in the Ranji Trophy again
Rishabh Pant has made himself available for Delhi’s upcoming Ranji Trophy match against Saurashtra, starting in Rajkot on January 23, confirmed DDCA secretary Ashok Sharma on Tuesday. Pant’s last appearance in the Ranji Trophy was during the 2017-2018 season.
Uncertainty Over Virat Kohli’s Participation
While Pant will be available, there is still uncertainty surrounding the participation of Virat Kohli. Kohli’s last Ranji Trophy appearance for Delhi was in 2012, and it remains unclear whether he will be part of the squad for the upcoming matches.