Indian captain Rohit Sharma has not yet confirmed whether he will take part in Mumbai’s next Ranji Trophy match against Jammu and Kashmir. However, the Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) has taken a significant step by initiating talks with him regarding his participation. Rohit’s poor form in the last two Test series against New Zealand and Australia has put considerable pressure on him. Due to consistently low scores and external criticism, he also had to sit out of the playing XI in the last Test match against Australia at the SCG. With India’s next Test series against England on the horizon, the captain will need to prove his form for selection to that tour.

Rohit’s Performance on the Australia Tour and Pressures on the Captain

The Hitman scored only 31 runs in three matches played during the Australia tour. While he may have the opportunity to correct his poor performance in domestic cricket, he has yet to confirm his availability for the Ranji Trophy match starting on January 23. Despite this, an MCA official revealed that the board will approach Rohit before announcing the team.

MCA’s Plans for Squad Announcement and Rohit’s Availability

“The selectors are expected to announce the squad on January 20, during which they will follow the due process of checking the availability of each player. Rohit will also be approached for selection at the same time,” a Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) official told PTI.

Rohit Begins Preparation for the Ranji Trophy

The Indian captain has already begun preparing for the Ranji Trophy following his return from Australia. On Tuesday, he batted alongside Mumbai captain Ajinkya Rahane at the Wankhede Stadium and is expected to resume full training in the next day or two.

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