Aadhaar on Your Phone? Not Quite, But Here’s What You Can Do

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Ever misplaced your Aadhaar card and needed the details in a pinch? You might be wondering if there’s a way to simply check your Aadhaar information online using your mobile number. While a direct mobile number check isn’t available yet, there are other handy options on the UIDAI website that can help you access some Aadhaar details and even download a soft copy! Let’s explore these options and see how they can come in handy.

Why Can’t I Check Aadhaar with Just My Mobile Number?

Security is paramount when it comes to sensitive information like your Aadhaar. Using only a mobile number for verification might pose a security risk. Imagine someone getting hold of your phone – they wouldn’t want full access to your Aadhaar details, would they? The current system with a registered mobile number and a one-time password (OTP) adds an extra layer of security to protect your information.

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What Can You Do with Your Mobile Number and Aadhaar Online?

While a straight-up mobile number check isn’t available, here are some useful things you can do with your mobile number linked to your Aadhaar:

  1. Download e-Aadhaar: This is a digital version of your Aadhaar card with the same legal validity as the physical card. To download your e-Aadhaar, you’ll need to visit the UIDAI website (https://uidai.gov.in/) and navigate to the “Get Aadhaar” section. Here, you can choose to download the e-Aadhaar using either your Aadhaar number or your enrolment ID (received during registration). In both cases, an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number for verification, ensuring only you can access the download.

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  2. Aadhaar Services: The UIDAI website offers a variety of services that require your Aadhaar number and a mobile number OTP for verification. These services include:

    • Verify Aadhaar: This allows you to check if a specific Aadhaar number is valid and active.
    • Verify Registered Mobile Number or Email ID: Here, you can confirm if the mobile number or email address linked to your Aadhaar is correct and updated.
    • Generate VID (Virtual ID): A VID is a temporary, revocable number that you can use instead of your Aadhaar number for certain purposes. This adds another layer of security as you don’t have to share your actual Aadhaar number everywhere. You can generate a VID by logging into the portal with your Aadhaar number and mobile number OTP.
  3. Track Update Status: If you’ve recently updated your Aadhaar details online or at a Permanent Enrollment Centre (PEC), you can track the update status using the Update Request Number (URN) or Service Request Number (SRN) provided. While tracking the status, the website will again ask for your Aadhaar number and a mobile number OTP for verification.

Keeping Your Mobile Number Updated with Aadhaar

Having your mobile number registered and updated with your Aadhaar is crucial. It allows you to receive OTPs for various Aadhaar-related services and ensures smooth online access to your information. If your mobile number has changed, you can update it at a PEC or through the mAadhaar app (downloading the app might require an internet connection but updating the number can be done offline).

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While a direct mobile number check for Aadhaar details isn’t available yet, the current system with OTP verification offers a good balance between security and convenience. By utilizing the options available on the UIDAI website and keeping your mobile number updated, you can effectively manage your Aadhaar information online.

Mark के बारे में
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Mark I am Raj, a content writer with over one year of experience. I have written news and evergreen content for many websites Read More
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