Aadhaar Update: Free Online or Paid Visit? Understanding the Cost Involved

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The Aadhaar card, a critical document in India, stores your demographic and biometric information. Keeping it updated ensures its accuracy and helps with various services that require Aadhaar verification. But is updating your Aadhaar free? The answer depends on how you choose to update it. Here’s a breakdown of the costs involved:

Free Online Updates: A Convenient Option (with a Time Limit!)

There’s good news! Updating your Aadhaar card online through the UIDAI’s Self Service Update Portal (SSUP) is currently free of cost. This is a time-bound initiative by UIDAI, and the current deadline to avail this free online update is June 14, 2024. So, if you’ve been meaning to update your address, phone number, or email address linked to your Aadhaar, this is the perfect time to do it online without any charges.

Here’s what you can update for free online:

  • Address Update: Update your current residential address reflected in your Aadhaar card.
  • Document Update: Modify documents linked to your Aadhaar, like your photo, phone number, or email address (if registered).

Important Note: As of now, online updates are limited to address and document changes. For modifications like name, date of birth, or gender, you’ll need to visit a Permanent Enrollment Centre (PEC).

Opting for Offline Updates: When Free Doesn’t Fit the Bill

While the online update option is fantastic, there might be situations where it doesn’t work for you. Perhaps you missed the deadline for the free online update, or maybe you need to update details that aren’t currently available online (like name change). In such cases, you’ll need to visit a PEC for offline updates. Here’s what to expect cost-wise:

  • Update Fee: For offline updates at PECs, a fee of Rs. 50 (inclusive of GST) applies. This charge covers the processing and verification of your update request.

Additional Costs (Optional):

  • Travel Expenses: Visiting a PEC might involve travel costs depending on your location and the distance to the nearest centre.
  • Document Assistance: If you require help with documents or filling out forms at the PEC, some centres might offer assistance for a nominal fee.

Free vs Paid Updates: Choosing the Right Option

Here’s a quick guide to help you decide which update method best suits your needs:

Go Online (Free) If:

  • You need to update your address, phone number, or email address linked to Aadhaar.
  • The update deadline of June 14, 2024 hasn’t passed.
  • You have a stable internet connection and scanned copies of required documents.

Visit a PEC (Paid) If:

  • You missed the free online update deadline.
  • You need to update details like name, date of birth, or gender (not currently available online).
  • You prefer in-person assistance with the update process.

Keeping Your Aadhaar Updated: A Smart Choice

Regardless of the update method (online or offline), keeping your Aadhaar information up-to-date is essential. Here’s why:

  • Accuracy in Government Records: Updated Aadhaar ensures accurate information in government databases, leading to smoother processes that require Aadhaar verification.
  • Avoiding Service Delays: An outdated Aadhaar might cause delays or even rejections for services that rely on Aadhaar authentication.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your Aadhaar reflects your current details provides a sense of security and reduces the risk of any discrepancies.

By understanding the cost factors and choosing the update method that works best for you, you can ensure your Aadhaar remains updated and continues to serve you efficiently. Remember, timely updates can save you time, money, and unnecessary hassle in the long run.

Mark के बारे में
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Mark I am Raj, a content writer with over one year of experience. I have written news and evergreen content for many websites Read More
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